Middle School

Welcome to the Middle School at Lyndhurst Secondary College. The Middle School years (Year 9 and 10) focus on providing our students wide range of experiences, subject choices and opportunities to engage with careers and pathways in order to support their continued engagement in learning and begin their preparations for life after schooling.

After experiencing subjects from across the eight learning areas of the Victorian Curriculum, our students have the opportunity to exercise their voice and agency through the selection of elective subjects and additional specialist programs tailored to their interests and aspirations in life.

Our Year 9 students have the chance to select from a wide range of elective subjects from across the domains including subjects such as Amazing Anime, Visual Arts, Robotics, Sports and Recreation, Product Design and many more.

Our Year 10 students engage in a length course counselling process during Year 9 in order to support them to make an informed decision about their future pathways and subject choices. Our students are able to begin their pathways into VCE and VCE-VM. Those students who wish to pursue the VCE pathway can do so by accessing a number of Pre-VCE subjects (Biology, Chemistry, English, General Maths and Math Methods Preparation, Physics and Psychology) and VCE subjects.

Those students wishing to pursue the VCE-VM pathway will do so by accessing Essential English and Math classes, Explore Personal Development Skills, Work Related Skills and having the opportunity to undertake different VET courses.

All Middle School students engage in Explore, our Mentor Group class that focuses on the development of the holistic student through the exploration of the Careers, Learning To Learning and Wellbeing & Connection pillars. Across their years in the Middle School student develop their life long skills through participation in Work Experience, Mock Interviews, Morrisby Testing and so much more!

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